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20.02.2024 08:15 Alter: 211 days

Our language assistant for this school year: John Whittaker

John has been with us since the beginning of this school year. He is 21 years old and comes from the United Kingdom, from Middlewich to be exact. He is studying German and is now here in Austria as a language assistant. His hobbies are sports, walking, hiking, biking and so on. He lives in Dornbirn for the time being. He has been doing gymnastics for 14 years. In his hometown there are a lot of cattle farms, mostly because it’s on the countryside. He has an older brother and two cats named Molly and Fran.

When John comes into our classrooms, everyone knows that there’s going to be a new word of the day. He’s a very calm and warm-hearted person and you can always ask him if you want to know what something is called in English. As you can tell, he has a lot of knowledge about the English language, which is very good for us students and for expanding our topic-specific vocabulary.

Thank you, John

Author: Jakob Kerle